In the past 3 months ago , I'm wondering what is computer science , what is the benefits to me and why management student like me is studying this. And know I've learned and realized what are the good benefits this to me. Here are the things that I've learned and realized:
First of all , I want to share the story of mine that is all about social networking sites because When I was in 2nd year high school I always using facebook for the communication to my classmates and specialy to my crush that's why I am very glad that social networking sites was created but I've realized that it decrease the communication of the people because like me, When I was talking to my crush in facebook I've thought that we are close enough when we are talking in personal that's why for me social networking sites decrease the communication of the people. And I don't want to talk in social networks because it can misunderstand what are you saying ,For example, When I was in 4th year We are doing our project using only the facebook that's why are communication is lessen like I am talking with the bold letters and my classmates thought that I am angry with them and our time is wasted because We have an argument.I've realized too that social networking sites might cause addiction. .I remember also when I was in 1st year high school I'm always using friendster and then I've been addicted to it that's why my grades get lower. I've learned also that multi tasking is a very bad hobby because you cannot focus yourselves in one thing like studying.When I am studying, I also like having my earphones in my ear and watching t.v that's why I cannot remember the things that I am studied.
I also learned that having a one password in all account is having your account easily hacked. Why? because when a hacker know your password your accounts will be at risk and all your accounts will be open and will be hacked.Honestly, When I am in elementary I always create a new account in my online games because It is always been hacked . I've realized that my password and security code is very much related to me. It feels annoying to me right know because I only realized that part when I am taking this computer science subject.
One time when I am a elementary student I'm always going to our computer lab because I want to play a games and I was thinking why is it the computer can memorize and stock all my doings in a split second and why they can process all the things faster than people that's why I've realized that computer is more knowledgeable that people but I am wrong because people only command the computer do and their are people that create that program for that purpose ,computer only follow instructions and computer does not have the ability to conclude that's why human are more intelligent that the computer.
When I am using my computer at home , I always format it because I know that their are many files that my sister put in that's why my computer is getting slowed and then I go to the control panel to see the installed programs and how many files are their but I've been shocked because their are only few files and few programs that are installed and I am thinking how It happen that their are few files and programs but my computer is being slowed.I've realized that their are many virus in my computer that's why my computer getting slowed . Virus replicate their self and launched their selves in games,file or in a operating system of the computer that's why our files are getting deleted or sometimes our files cannot be deleted because their are strong virus in that file.I'm using a strong anti virus right know so that I can determine if their are virus in my computer or when their are flash drive that will put to my computer.
I also put in my mind the deleting process in the computer because when Sir. Elain teach us that lesson I've been very amaze because I only deleted the file in my computer just choosing delete in my keyboard and that's all. I've been realized that it can be only in your recycle bin or virtually deleted and the file that you are know that you've been deleted is actually not deleted the file would contain a space in your local disk. I've realized too that actually deleted will only work if your local disk or your memory on your computer is overwrite with the other file,fill your drive or full formatting your computer and random overwrite.
Computer Science helped me to discover new things about computer and their are many answer in my mind that been solve because of this subject and their are many advantages and disadvantages that computer have and it is only depends on the user if he/she will use it in negative or in positive way.
Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2011
Huwebes, Agosto 11, 2011
Specific stories on taking advantage and disadvantage of social networking
Here are some stories of the advantages in using social networking 1.Carol Verity- what has Social Media ever done for me? I have found friends or friends have found me who I had completely lost touch with. Especially friends overseas. Connected with lots of friends from school – boarding school so bonds are strong – we keep in touch or randomly just comment nice to know we are all there. Facebook. I met one of my now best friends and business partner Chris Hall online. Twitter. I have made some amazing friends with fun, lovely, intelligent people. A blend of online and offline because of online connections. Twitter. I do great business. LinkedIn. Twitter. Email. Blog. Website. SlideShare. I have immense fun. Twitter. Facebook. People communicate as an alternative to texts – sometimes the fastest way to reach someone with a message. Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. Based on Carlo Verity's story, Social networking sites give him a very important role to his life because he always use social networing site for his connection to his friends and business . He meet his new friends and bestfriend , And now He is very happy for what he has now because of social networking site. 2.Rober Pickstone: Social media has changed my life in so many ways but here are the two main ones: connecting with people and learning. Mainly through Facebook, I have been able to keep in touch with friends and family very easily. I know it could be done anyway using addresses, phone numbers and emails, but online it can be far more fun at times. The other side of the coin is meeting new people. My life has improved because I am spending time with people that I met through Twitter. That may sound dramatic but it's true. It has never been easier to find people with similar interests - it has never been easier to find great people. Social media has also helped me to learn. I have been able to keep up to date with relevant and interesting news, I have been able to read and think about the ideas and work of others, and I have been able to learn from others by talking to them. Again, it has never been easier to connect with people and to learn from them. Based on Robert Pickstone's story ,Social networing sites give him a chance to have a great time with his friends and a chance to be connected to other people. Maybe , In his personal life he is not the person that always had a great time to his friends and other people but when he use social networking sites he see the important scene to his life because He see his new friends and learn everything because of social networking site.!/robertpickstone The comment below. 3.Bob Hayward : Social Media is still changing my life - past - present and future Past Academy and Linked In were my first introduction to Social Media & with help from Thomas Power I began to understand the potential. My on-line networking and face to face networking improved dramatically leading to new business channels of referrals, new associate links and more importantly new friends. At the same time I used Friends Reunited to search for old friends – this enabled me to make fresh contact with two of the dearest friends I had at school and in my early adult life – Karim & George. Karim is now back in the UK after 19 years working abroad and we see each other regularly. George is still in Australia and invited me to be his best man at his wedding later this year. I have also recovered a number of old friends from Facebook. My 50th birthday party was populated by friends old and new – some old ones I would not have found again without social media – some peeps I would never have met for the first time without it. Present I am on a chunky project at Skype which only came about via social media and on-line networking. OK it didn’t happen overnight as relationships and trust can take a while to develop in any environment. Was the blogging – tweeting – retweets – comments – dialogue – face-to-face meetings worthwhile..? For sure I said this is a chunky project… I’m interacting more now than ever – on more platforms than ever – talking with more people than ever – this is enriching my business life, the charities I care about and my personal life. Future Life does not stand still – things change – projects & clients & relationships come and go – a circle of life as one song says. What no one can take away is my faith, my knowledge and my network; those things are my true wealth. That is the river where through which the water flows; and social media will, I am sure, enable me to continue to grow, to be tested, to be taught, to be found and to reach out. Based on Bob Hayward story, It is a very positive way of doing our social networking sites because He had a best communication because of social networks. Bob Howard is a person that used social networking site in a very positive way because He used it to communicate with his old friend and began to communicate them regularly. Few person can only used social networking sites in a positive way. 4.Jessica Livingston: Social networking sites might work for recruiters, but do people respond positively when approached on these sites? Many do. After all, their profiles are designed to broadcast their interests, so if a recruiter contacts them with something he thinks will be a good fit, people are usually interested. To find qualified people, recruiters can search sites for specific key words. From there, they can peruse the profiles that pop up on the screen and determine which candidates would be the best for the position. Some sites are even more helpful in that they allow users to list their past companies and skill sets. For more information, the recruiter can put the person’s name in a search engine and see what comes up. If the person’s background and interests are appealing, all it takes is a quick e-mail to the person to see if he or she would be interested in the job, or with working with a recruiter in general. Social networking sites don’t just benefit the recruiters, it also benefits job seekers. These sites give them access to positions they might not hear about when applying for jobs, and allows them to get in contact with people they might not meet otherwise. And the more connections they make through the sites, the more likely they are of finding a job that interests them. How else would they be able to get an interview at a place where they didn’t know anyone? If you’re still wary about trying to recruit using social sites, remember: People join networking sites for a reason—to network! Based on Jessica Livingston story : She use the social networking sites for recruiting people and communicating with her friends . She gave the importants of social networking sites for recruiting the people in business. It is a positive side of using social networking site for recruiting people in business. 5. I see the example of @LobstertruckDC, the Twitter account of Red Hook Lobster Pound. The company truck drives around DC, parks for the morning, afternoon, or however long until supplies run out, and sells all manner of lobster dishes. By using Twitter, the company can notify its customer base of the truck’s location, any special deals they’re selling, and other tidbits about the fresh lobster. Its 11,000 followers surely appreciate the interactivity of Twitter. From this we can learn how Twitter can work to update customers regarding a mobile store’s whereabouts and what specials are on the menu for that day. Based on the story, Twitter was use to inform the customers and in this story social networking site is a very useful site because it informs the customers and it lessen the time of all people that is involved to that activity. Here are some stories of the disadvantage in using social networking: 1.The story involving the 16 year-old girl from Michigan who disappeared from her family's home and was eventually found in the Middle East to meet a 25 year-old man she had met on the Internet, more particularly, MySpace. The young lady was advised to go back home once she had arrived at the airport in Jordan. She did go back home Based on the story , The 16 year old girl was inlove to the man that she never seen in her personal life. It is a danger decision that the 16 year old girl did because she want to meet with the man that she never seen. Authorities are uncertain as to whether or not any crimes have been committed in this case, but it is alarming at the very least. 2.Closer to home, a 27 year-old Naperville man was recently charged with indecent solicitation of a child, distribution of harmful materials, attempted aggravated criminal sexual abuse, and aggravated criminal sexual abuse all because he lured teenage girls in by means of his MySpace account. His account revealed sexually explicit photos of himself (John R. Wentworth-MyCrimeSpace, 5 June 2006). Based on the story, The 27 year old man grab the chance to lured the girl with a complete information. It is very bad decision when you reveal all of your information in networking sites because your stalker can see what are you doing, where do you live and what is your contact number and your life will be at risk. 3.Since September 2004, Dateline NBC has had a running segment titled "To Catch A Predator". From that time, investigations have been done, all taking place in different locations throughout the Based on the story, The men predators take advantage of using social networking sites to commit sexual crimes because they know that the teen ager will put their full information in their account that's why the predators grab the chance of using it to commit sexual crimes. 4.A 23 year-old male from Massachusettes who was president of his college's Sexual-Assault Victim's Advocacy Group, was convicted of raping an acquaintance. His site implies that he would never do such a thing as he claims on his site: "I do a lot of work with domestic violence awareness and I think it’s really crucial to speak out against such an epidemic," (, 1 June 2006). Though it remains questionable as to whether or not he did commit this crime, one can see that MySpace - or any other personal information site for that matter - may or may not always reveal the truth about one's life and intentions. In fact, many sexual predators use fake identities complete with false pictures and information to mask their true identities in order to seem more enticing to those with whom they wish to interact. Based on the story, The 23 year old sympathic male was convicted in raping an acquaintance because his account was hacked . It is very dangerous when your account was hacked because like this story , He was convicted but he is not the one who do the crime 5.One report cited a man who molested a 16 year-old girl in September 2005; the two had met through, and he was able to track her down as a result of the information she provided on her site (Website's Power To Overexpose Teens Stirs a Warning, 8 December 2005). Additionally, according to one source, in March 2006 alone, there were at least three men who were charged with sexually assaulting teenagers they met on In early April, a 26 year-old-man was charged with sexually assaulting a 15 year-old-girl who he had met through (Why Parents Must Mind MySpace, 5 April 2006). Based on the story, Their are many risk in our life especially women .The stalkers or bad guys use social networking site to a negative way like Using the Social Networking Sites to Commit Sexual Crime and For me , It is very important if you do not put your full information in your account because your life will be at risk. |
Linggo, Hulyo 3, 2011
Law and Order: Access Nation
Based on what we have watched last meeting there are so many issues that is stated about the computer and technological advancements but We don't know whether if its true or not.
Law and Order: Access Nation is a film that dealt with computer security. The plot is about the murder of a psychologist that eventually led the investigators to a computer company that sells information about their clients. This film opened a lot of issues regarding computer users' security whether or not they are connected to the Internet.
The following issues that are dominant on the film are as follows:
1. Acquiring other person’s password
Passwords are of use in all kinds of transactions in the Internet. This little bit of information can pose a huge threat on the person being hacked, thus, acquiring of this information is vulnerable. Several techniques can be used to acquire a password. This includes guessing, brute force and phising.
Guessing is only effective on passwords that are easy. It might be the person’s birthday, his favorite pet’s name or other information that can be easily collected from the person to be hacked.
Brute force is a technique wherein the hacker will try to input random characters and he will then use an automatic tool to generate as many combinations as possible. It might take a very long time before the hacker successfully come up with the correct password most especially if the password is long.
Phising is one of the easiest and most common ways of acquiring a password. The attacker will create a fake logon screen where the user, hoping that he will be fooled, will enter his username and password. Once he submits this information, the attacker will be prompted and he will get the needed information, while unknowingly, the victim will be redirected to the home page of the site he just visited.
2. Possibility of recovering deleted files
Deleted files, even those files removed from the Recycle Bin or those files deleted by shift+delete can be still be recovered. Windows simply marks the hard drive space as being available for use by changing one character in the file table. With this in mind, you can still find a way of recovering these files thru different applications released to recover such files.
Law and Order: Access Nation is a film that dealt with computer security. The plot is about the murder of a psychologist that eventually led the investigators to a computer company that sells information about their clients. This film opened a lot of issues regarding computer users' security whether or not they are connected to the Internet.
The following issues that are dominant on the film are as follows:
1. Acquiring other person’s password
Passwords are of use in all kinds of transactions in the Internet. This little bit of information can pose a huge threat on the person being hacked, thus, acquiring of this information is vulnerable. Several techniques can be used to acquire a password. This includes guessing, brute force and phising.
Guessing is only effective on passwords that are easy. It might be the person’s birthday, his favorite pet’s name or other information that can be easily collected from the person to be hacked.
Brute force is a technique wherein the hacker will try to input random characters and he will then use an automatic tool to generate as many combinations as possible. It might take a very long time before the hacker successfully come up with the correct password most especially if the password is long.
Phising is one of the easiest and most common ways of acquiring a password. The attacker will create a fake logon screen where the user, hoping that he will be fooled, will enter his username and password. Once he submits this information, the attacker will be prompted and he will get the needed information, while unknowingly, the victim will be redirected to the home page of the site he just visited.
2. Possibility of recovering deleted files
Deleted files, even those files removed from the Recycle Bin or those files deleted by shift+delete can be still be recovered. Windows simply marks the hard drive space as being available for use by changing one character in the file table. With this in mind, you can still find a way of recovering these files thru different applications released to recover such files.
Miyerkules, Hunyo 8, 2011
History of Computer
The word "computer" as a combination of the word "compute" and the suffix "-er" that literally means, something that computes and like how scientists define it, Computer is an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations.
As what I've known when I was in high school is that the history of computers starts out about 2000 years ago and it started with the abacus.
The abacus or counting frame was used in doing mathematical calculations. It can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root for whole numbers. Expert Abacus users can sometimes do math faster than the basic calculators. It was made of a wooden rack holding two horizontatl wires with beads strung on them.
A Scotsman named John Napier invented logarithms in 1617 which are a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition wherein the logarithm of each operand, was originally obtained from a printed table. But Napier also invented an alternative to tables, where the logarithm values were carved on ivory sticks which are now called Napier's Bones. CALCULATING CLOCK
The first gear-driven calculating machine to actually be built was probably the calculating clock, so named by its inventor, the German professor Wilhelm Schickard in 1623. This device got little publicity because Schickard died soon afterward in the bubonic plague.PASCALINE
Pascaline or Arithmetic Machine is the first calculator or adding machine to be produced in any quantity and actually used. It was designed and built by the French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal between 1642 and 1644. It could only do addition and subtraction, with numbers being entered by manipulating its dials.STEPPED RECKONER
Stepped Reckoner is a calculating machine designed in 1671 and was built in 1673 by the German mathematician-philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The Step Reckoner expanded on the French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal’s ideas and did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting.
In 1801 the Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a power loom that could base its weave (and hence the design on the fabric) upon a pattern automatically read from punched wooden cards, held together in a long row by rope. Babbage Difference Engine
In 19th century England, Charles Babbage, a mathematician, proposed the construction of a machine that he called the Babbage Difference Engine. It would not only calculate numbers, it would also be capable of printing mathematical tables. The Computer history museum in Mountain View, CA built a working replica from the original drawings. Visitors can see in the device in operation there. Unable to construct the actual device, he earned quite a few detractors among England’s literate citizens. However, Babbage made a place for himself in history as the father of computing. Not satisfied with the machines limitations, he drafted plans for the Babbage Analytical Engine. He intended for this computing device to use punch cards as the control mechanism for calculations. This feature would make it possible for his computer to use previously performed calculations in new ones.Babbage’s idea caught the attention of Ada Byron Lovelace who had an undying passion for math. She also saw possibilities that the Analytical Machine could produce graphics and music. She helped Babbage move his project from idea to reality by documenting how the device would calculate Bernoulli numbers. She later received recognition for writing the world’s first computer program. The United States Department of Defense named a computer language in her honor in 1979.
The computers that followed built on each previous success and improved it.
Turing Colossus
Turing Colossus is the first programmable computer built in 1943.It was pressed into service to decipher World War II coded messages from Germany.ENIAC
ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator And Compute, was the first electronic computer, in 1946. It was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.In 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau became the first government agency to buy a computer,UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
The Apple expanded the use of computers to consumers in 1977.
The IBM PC for consumers followed closely in 1981, although IBM mainframes were in use by government and corporations.
And then A Harvard freshman by the name of Bill Gates decided to drop out of college so he could concentrate all his time writing programs for this computer. This early experienced put Bill Gates in the right place at the right time once IBM decided to standardize on the Intel microprocessors for their line of PCs in 1981. The Intel Pentium 4 used in today's PCs is still compatible with the Intel 8088 used in IBM's first PC.
John Dominique Galang. *I was late enrolled*
History of Computers
Martes, Hunyo 7, 2011
Popular beliefs
While this method won't magically fix whatever is wrong with your computer, it can get your hard drive working long enough for you to recover important data before it gives up the ghost for good. This generally works best when the drive is making a tell-tale clicking sound caused by overheated metal parts that have expanded. Freezing the hard drive cools and shrinks the metal so the drive will mount properly and run long enough (hopefully) for you to copy your files to another source.
In 2003, Microsoft's MSN U.K. division announced plans to develop a portable toilet for use at summer music festivals that would be equipped with a keyboard, plasma screen and wireless Internet access. They already had some success with Internet-ready park benches in London, and were carrying the idea through to the "iLoo," complete with special toilet paper printed with URLs.
The iLoo project quickly became the butt of jokes in the media and on late-night talk shows. Microsoft's corporate headquarters in the United States responded by saying the whole thing was a hoax, but later confirmed that while their British MSN division had been working on such a project, it had been scrapped after the announcement prompted so much ridicule.
Although Rear Adm. Grace Hopper, the mathematician who oversaw the project at Harvard, is largely credited with coining the term "computer bug," the word "bug" had been used to mean a glitch or error for many years before this incident occurred. In fact, she was not even there at the time, but the technician who removed the moth from the machine carefully taped it into the logbook with the notation, "First actual case of bug being found."
According to a bit of email advice that has been circulating on the Internet since 2001, you can foil a computer virus by adding a fake email address, such as, to the beginning of your address book. Unfortunately, most computer viruses don't go through your address book alphabetically and stop as soon they encounter one that doesn't work – they just send a separate message to each address – so the only result would be having that particular one bounce back while the virus sent itself to everyone else you know.
The best way to beat a virus is to install anti-virus software and avoid opening emails and attachments from unfamiliar senders.
This email – along with many, many copycat versions – has been circulating for over a decade. The original version claims that Bill Gates will share a piece of his vast fortune with you if you help him beta-test a new email tracking program simply by forwarding the message to everyone in your address book. In return, you'll get a check reflecting the number of people the message was forwarded on to.
Of course, no such program exists, and the only thing you'll achieve by forwarding this hoax email is to annoy everyone you know.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Arthur C. Clarke did not name the artificial-intelligence onboard computer that runs the spaceship in his 1968 novel "HAL" because it was "one step ahead of IBM." Both Clarke and film director Stanley Kubrick have contended that this was purely coincidental, and that the name HAL is an acronym (of sorts) for "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer."
Peeping Tom
This is one of the most common myths: "Can someone be watching me right now as I use my computer?" Although the answer seems obvious to some; for Mac users this can actually be true.
Apple experts have found that by using Universal Remote Access, a Mac user can log into one Mac from another Mac, and view and take video and pictures of what's on the other end. However, the hacker would have to be armed with the user's password.
More recently, maybe you received an e-mail warning you about an Olympic Torch virus making the rounds that would "burn" your computer's hard drive. Don't get hot and bothered over this one--it's also a hoax.
In 2003, Microsoft's MSN U.K. division announced plans to develop a portable toilet for use at summer music festivals that would be equipped with a keyboard, plasma screen and wireless Internet access. They already had some success with Internet-ready park benches in London, and were carrying the idea through to the "iLoo," complete with special toilet paper printed with URLs.
The iLoo project quickly became the butt of jokes in the media and on late-night talk shows. Microsoft's corporate headquarters in the United States responded by saying the whole thing was a hoax, but later confirmed that while their British MSN division had been working on such a project, it had been scrapped after the announcement prompted so much ridicule.
Although Rear Adm. Grace Hopper, the mathematician who oversaw the project at Harvard, is largely credited with coining the term "computer bug," the word "bug" had been used to mean a glitch or error for many years before this incident occurred. In fact, she was not even there at the time, but the technician who removed the moth from the machine carefully taped it into the logbook with the notation, "First actual case of bug being found."
According to a bit of email advice that has been circulating on the Internet since 2001, you can foil a computer virus by adding a fake email address, such as, to the beginning of your address book. Unfortunately, most computer viruses don't go through your address book alphabetically and stop as soon they encounter one that doesn't work – they just send a separate message to each address – so the only result would be having that particular one bounce back while the virus sent itself to everyone else you know.
The best way to beat a virus is to install anti-virus software and avoid opening emails and attachments from unfamiliar senders.
This email – along with many, many copycat versions – has been circulating for over a decade. The original version claims that Bill Gates will share a piece of his vast fortune with you if you help him beta-test a new email tracking program simply by forwarding the message to everyone in your address book. In return, you'll get a check reflecting the number of people the message was forwarded on to.
Of course, no such program exists, and the only thing you'll achieve by forwarding this hoax email is to annoy everyone you know.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Arthur C. Clarke did not name the artificial-intelligence onboard computer that runs the spaceship in his 1968 novel "HAL" because it was "one step ahead of IBM." Both Clarke and film director Stanley Kubrick have contended that this was purely coincidental, and that the name HAL is an acronym (of sorts) for "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer."
Peeping Tom
This is one of the most common myths: "Can someone be watching me right now as I use my computer?" Although the answer seems obvious to some; for Mac users this can actually be true.
Apple experts have found that by using Universal Remote Access, a Mac user can log into one Mac from another Mac, and view and take video and pictures of what's on the other end. However, the hacker would have to be armed with the user's password.
More recently, maybe you received an e-mail warning you about an Olympic Torch virus making the rounds that would "burn" your computer's hard drive. Don't get hot and bothered over this one--it's also a hoax.
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