Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2011

Personal Insights :)

In the past 3 months ago , I'm wondering what is computer science , what is the benefits to me and why management student like me is studying this. And know I've learned and realized what are the good benefits this to me. Here are the things that I've learned and realized:

First of all , I want to share the story of mine that is all about social networking sites because When I was in 2nd year high school I always using facebook for the communication to my classmates and specialy to my crush that's why I am very glad that social networking sites was created but I've realized that it decrease the communication of the people because like me, When I was talking to my crush in facebook  I've thought that we are close enough when we are talking in personal that's why for me social networking sites decrease the communication of the people. And I don't want to talk in social networks because it can misunderstand what are you saying ,For example, When I was in 4th year We are doing our project using only the facebook that's why are communication is lessen like I am talking with the bold letters and my classmates thought that I am angry with them  and our time is wasted because We have an argument.I've realized too that social networking sites might cause addiction. .I remember also when I was in 1st year high school I'm always using friendster and then I've been addicted to it that's why my grades get lower. I've learned also that multi tasking is a very bad hobby because you cannot focus yourselves in one thing like studying.When I am studying, I also like having my earphones in my ear and watching t.v that's why I cannot remember the things that I am studied.

I also learned that having a one password in all account is having your account easily hacked. Why? because when a hacker know your password your accounts will be at risk and all your accounts will be open and will be hacked.Honestly, When I am in elementary I always create a new account in my online games because It is always been hacked . I've realized that my password and security code is very much related to me. It feels annoying to me right know because I only realized that part when I am taking this computer science subject.

One time when I am a elementary student I'm always going to our computer lab because I want to play a games and I was thinking why is it the computer can memorize and stock all my doings in a split second and why they can process all the things faster than people that's why I've realized that computer is more knowledgeable that people but I am wrong because people only command  the computer do and their are people that create that program for that purpose ,computer only follow instructions and computer does not have the ability to conclude that's why human are more intelligent that the computer.

When I am using my computer at home ,  I always format it because I know that their are many files that my sister put in that's why my computer is getting slowed  and then I go to the control panel to see the installed programs and how many files are their but I've been shocked because their are only few files and few programs that are installed and I am thinking how It happen that their are few files and programs but my computer is being slowed.I've realized that their are many virus in my computer that's why my computer getting slowed . Virus replicate their self and launched  their selves in games,file or in a operating system of the computer that's why our files are getting deleted or sometimes our files cannot be deleted because their are strong virus in that file.I'm using a strong anti virus right know so that I can determine if their are virus in my computer or when their are flash drive that will put to my computer.

I also put in my mind the deleting process in the computer because when Sir. Elain teach us that lesson I've been very amaze because I only deleted the file in my computer just choosing delete in my keyboard and that's all. I've been realized that it can be only in your recycle bin or virtually deleted and the file that you are know that you've been deleted is actually not deleted the file would contain a space in your local disk. I've realized too that actually deleted will only work if your local disk or your memory on your computer is overwrite with the other file,fill your drive or full formatting your computer and random overwrite.

Computer Science helped me to discover new things about computer and their are many answer in my mind that been solve because of this subject and their are many advantages and disadvantages that computer have and it is only depends on the user if he/she will use it in negative or in positive way.

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